Monday 18 December 2017

Magazine Advert and Digi Pack-James Donovan and David Hutchings

As something extra for our music video, David worked on a magazine advert and a digi-pack for the CD.
They were both made with Photoshop using multiple filters to create this unique effect. For the band name, it came from a cropped version of the logo.

Below is the completed digi-pack. For this, David used the magazine advert, the logo, an image from last year and random shots of water and placed them on a template to create the CD.
Image result for digipak template

This magazine advert was designed by James. We wanted this to keep with the themes of our music video. So James took the VHS segment of our music video and based the advert off of that theme. He got an image of a blank VHS video to get a grainy background  and the text usually found on the sides of the video (the play and time) this added to the grainy and surreal themes we used for our music video. He used our logo designed by David, Inverted the colours to suit the background and used a black box behind the text to keep with the grainy, low quality, theme. We used December of 2017 as our release date because this is when we completed our music video.

This digipack was designed by James. He decided, while designing this digipack, to use the same imagery and themes of the poster. The front cover was similar to our poster, using the VHS image and the same text. The fold was our logo designed by David. The back of the cover uses the same grainy background as the front cover and features reviews from different music magazines. The inside of the digipack uses a closeup, Threshold of James as well as the names of the songs we used in our album. Another image we used was an image picture we took for our prelim task last year, a music magazine, an image of James and David. James took this image and used the spot healing tool to remove our faces to keep with the surreal theme of our video.


  1. Great work guys. Print out your designs and construct into 3D packaging please and post images.
    Analyse which ones are mosre successful. Print in clour in Art room G3.
    Mrs McD-H

  2. Great work guys. Print out your designs and construct into 3D packaging please and post images.
    Analyse which ones are mosre successful. Print in clour in Art room G3.
    Mrs McD-H


Group Video: Final Product-James Donovan

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