Monday 18 December 2017

Inspiration for our shots (Intertextuality)-James Donovan

For one shot we had James do a close up shot and lip sync. We wanted this shot to have an emphasis on special effects, to both follow our theme and challenge our editing skills. We wanted the shot to be distorted or warped in some way and use stop motion to add a surreal effect to the video. After going through different effects we finally decided that a VHS tape effect would suit our surreal theme.
Our original plan was to use stills, made in Photoshop, with the Threshold effect, however the final product looked, in our opinion, terrible.

(Original concept)

(Final version)

Another concept we had was to have one of us pop up for a few frames in the video using green screen. We took inspiration from the movie Fight Club when the character Tyler Durden pops up in certain scenes for only a frame to give the film a surreal theme. We wanted to have a similar theme in our video.

One shot we wanted to create was a green screen shot of one of us, facing away, while the background becomes distorted. We did this with the Add Noise tool in Sony Vegas and this was to follow the surreal and VHS theme we had running throughout the video. This was inspired by Bowie's traditional style that he had in his music videos, a surreal dream like theme.

One shot that we created was a mirror shot using a green screen. James would lip Sync into a mirror and David would then re-shoot the same shot, however this time he would have a green screen in front of him instead of a mirror. this was then edited in Sony Vegas to create the illusion that James was David's reflection. This was inspired by shots that can be seen in multiple horror films.

Image result for ghostbusters fridge
One scene was inspired by a shot in Ghostbusters where Sigourny Weaver opened up the fridge and we saw it from the inside.
We decided to use this as basis for the two scenes where David and James opened up the cupboard.

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Group Video: Final Product-James Donovan

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