Friday 10 November 2017

Band Logo-David Hutchings

After we had the name for our band, the next task was to create a logo for it.
When making the logo, we thought that using the Roman eagle as a part of it would work well. 
For the name 'Nero Redivivus', I had the idea to have it in gold while also having a mirror copy above it. Originally, we had the logo on a red background.

We did the same image again to see whether or not it looked better with the name above or below the eagle. We decided it looked better above.
After this we decided to abandon the red background and make it white. This helped to make the eagle and title (especially the gold) stand out more.

The final thing that we noticed was the SPQR (Senātus Populusque Rōmānus/The Roman Senate and People) on the eagle and we decided to get rid of it since it didn't have anything to do with our music video.

1 comment:

  1. Well done guys, excellent development of your logo.
    Discuss your colour choices and the reasoning behind the use of the eagle a little more as you are skimming rather than giving deeper understanding.
    Mrs McD-H


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