Tuesday 31 October 2017

Moodboard-James Donovan and David Hutchings

A major influence for our music video is the singer of the song itself, David Bowie.
Image result for david bowie

Lazarus: This one is the type of feel that we wish to emulate with our music video as it has a surreal, almost dream-like quality to it but it still keeps a realistic nature.

Image result for lazarus david bowie

Image result for lazarus david bowie

Ashes to Ashes: This is a very well-made music video that fits the psychodelic nature that we wish to have in out music the video as the colours give a very unique and hypnotic feel to the video.

Image result for ashes to ashes david bowie

Related image

Another influence for us was Kanye West. While his music genre differs from the style we wish to pursue his music videos are a massive inspiration when it comes to visuals.

Black Skinhead has the artistic/psychedelic theme we want to use for our music video, the combination of colour contrasts, the use of dark colour pallets and the editing are visually eye catching.


Contrasting clothes between actors

David: Jeans, T-shirt, trainers, hooded rain coat

David's character would dress dark clothing that wouldn't stand out

James: Shirt, pants, smart shoes and Suit coat

James' clothes would be dark as well however would stand out more

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