Tuesday 14 November 2017

Audience Profile-James Donovan

While it is difficult to give it a specific genre, with our music video, we decided that our target audience would be fans of art rock and dark themed music videos. They would be teenagers to young adults since the actors are young adults. But more mature adults could be into our video because we use an older song, by David Bowie.
Since our video branches out into different sub-genres this allows our video to spread to a wider audience, meaning our music group would boost in popularity.

The song we used is from David Bowie, who was known for being suitable for both genders so our music video won't be targeted to a specific gender. However one could say that as both of us of male and that the song is from a man, that they would be more likely to be the audience.

We will target our audience with dark, surreal imagery which can be enjoyed/appreciated by people who are into a wider range of music genres. We have created a Facebook page which can be used to advertise our music group and whatever merchandise we create such as posters or T-shirts.
Our video could also be linked to a narrative which would attract people who are into visual storytelling and people who enjoy theorising and finding deeper meanings in movies or other videos.

Based upon the questionnaire, it appears what the audience enjoys most in a music video is clever editing which is something that we took into account.

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  1. Good, can you say specific ages please i.e 16-24?
    Mrs McD-H

  2. What kind of magazines would this cohort of audience read? Show examples please - also give visual examples.
    Mrs McD-H


Group Video: Final Product-James Donovan

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